Convenience- A Poem

Don’t break downO, sweet shower of the dusk!This is a town of the clownsAnd I am wearing one too, the mask. The fate is what the world revolves aroundWe are only but appendices to timeYou were a layered newfoundForced me to commit to the rhymes. But you craved for more, didn’t you?A long reach asContinue reading “Convenience- A Poem”

The Open Grave- A Poem

You are beauteous as a dayThe sun ascends to promulgateThat you live another, revelry, hey!Never feel ever- a lesser state. I, in lieu, am somber as fallThe sun adjudges to set on meHow I contrived the wedding haulThe fated in seal dawdles to be seen. You fell for the flawed and the marred in oneDeepContinue reading “The Open Grave- A Poem”

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